Settle Into Post-Settlement Life
The Claimant Advocacy Group is a nationwide advocacy and education center for law firms, settlement professionals, and their clients.

Empowerment Through Claimant Centered Education
Claimant Advocacy Group (CAG) provides government benefits education and advocacy for law firms, settlement professionals, and their clients.
Claimants who anticipate receiving a settlement must carefully plan how they will accept their settlement proceeds. Accepting a cash lump sum could reduce needs-based benefits, or in many cases, lead to a complete loss of eligibility. Affected benefits may include:
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
In-Home Care/Long-Term Care
Subsidized Housing (Section 8/HUD Housing)
Medicaid (Medi-Cal)
Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program (QMB)
Food Stamps (WIC, SNAP, CalFresh)
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Medicare copay, premium, and protection assistance
CAG proudly supports claimants with Veterans Administrative (VA) benefits.
Why Choose CAG?
At CAG, we believe an educated claimant is paramount to a successful settlement resolution for both the injured party and their representatives.
Claimants receive comprehensive and individualized education for their unique and personal circumstances to ensure they are choosing the best distribution method to meet their needs. This education supports attorneys and industry specialists
Lump Sum Payout
Spend Down Option
ABLE Account
Pooled Special Needs Trust (PSNT or SNT)
Structured Settlement
Or a Strategic Combination of These
Scalable Services for Law Firms
Plaintiff attorneys need a trusted resource to manage their clients’ government benefits concerns. Our team eliminates the problem of addressing these issues, allowing you to focus on winning the case. Whether you are handling a docket of thousands or a single event case, we are ready to help. Learn more »
A Niche Partner for Settlement Professionals
Identifying and resolving government benefits issues causes a drain on efficiency for qualified settlement fund administrators and settlement planners. Claimant Advocacy Group delivers the education and advocacy component, leaving settlement professionals to focus on settlement strategies. Learn more »

Contact the Claimant Advocacy Group
For more information about government benefit preservation, contact the Claimant Advocacy Group today at 1-800-683-4872 or via the brief form below.